First, put your trust in God. He loves and cares for you and knows what you are going through. Tell him of your fears and worries. Lay every care on him and trust that he will see you through. You are free to ignore this advice if you which but I strongly suggest you do not.
Remember that there is a war going on inside your body, your bodies defenses against the cancer. You should do everything you can to make the battlefield, your body, as inhospitable to the enemy as possible. Cancer, like disease in general, thrives in an acidic environment therefore you want to promote an alkaline environment as much as possible. Fruits and vegetables are alkaline promoting in general so eat a lot of them. Grains and legumes are slightly acidic so eat less of them. Meats, eggs, and dairy products, very acidic, so eat very little, preferably none at all!!
Since your body is a battlefield realize that that means there is a lot of destruction going on with a lot of ensuing toxins/waste. Do not hinder your waste elimination systems, the bowels, kidneys, and sweat glands. Drink plenty of water (1 o.z per 2 pounds of body weight per day) to help with elimination through the sweat glands and kidneys. Eat plenty of fiber in its natural state, i.e. whole grains with their fiber intact, to keep the bowel moving and clean. Go to the toilet when your body says it needs to. Holding feces in the bowel may lead to the reabsorption of toxins contained in the feces. Also the longer the bowel walls are exposed to toxins the greater the risk of developing bowel cancer. Eating at regular times helps to maintain regularity and thus minimizes likelihood of constipation and the ensuing risks of toxin reabsorption and exposure. Ideally you should have one bowel movement per meal. Fast once a week to give your body that extra time and energy (since it won't be digesting food) to eliminate waste/toxins.
Keep you army, your immune system at its peak. Do this by supplying it with the best nutrition. Give it lots of fruits and vegetables which are full of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, which are needed to keep your immune system strong but also many of which are cancer fighters themselves. Avoid refined sugars which paralyze your immune system. Avoid processed "white" foods which have had much of their vitamins and minerals removed making them empty calories that steal your much needed vitamins and minerals from other foods. Get plenty of rest, sleeping earlier rather than latter. Much of your bodies regenerating occurs early in the night. Trust in God. There is nothing like stress to weaken the immune system so give that stress to God. Take contrast showers to increase the number of white blood cells in the body. A contrast shower consists of 30 secs of hot followed by 10 secs of cold and repeating this alternation three times. Take one day off from work a week. Exercise. Juice which supplies your body with nutrients in an easily absorbable form.
Minimize the toxic load on your body, and thus the needless expending of your energy in eliminating it, by avoiding the intake of external toxins as much as possible and the needless creation of them internally. Use as much organic food as possible. Get as much outdoor fresh air as possible... outdoor country air if you can. |Eat at regular times, separating meals by 5-6 hrs, don't drink during meals, less than 20 mins before one or less than 2 hrs after, and don't snack between meals. Digestion is semiautomatic meaning your body remembers when you eat regularly. It will prepare the necessary digestive juices for the meal before hand so that when a meal comes around, food is digested optimally leading to fewer toxic waste products. Meals generally take about 4-5 hours to leave the stomach. Snacking puts food into a stomach who's contents have not fully digested. The added snack food causes the stomach to restart the digestion process and a lengthened digestion beyond the normal 4-5 hrs means fermentation takes place and with it the formation of toxins.
Eat more raw food. Raw food has its enzymes intact thus reducing the energy requirements for digesting.
Eat more raw food. Raw food has its enzymes intact thus reducing the energy requirements for digesting.
So in summary:
1) eat more fruits and vegetables
2) eat organic foods as much as possible
3) eliminate animal foods or at least reduce their consumption
4) eat at regular times, with 5-6 hrs between meals
5) don't snack between meals
6) don't drink during meals, less then 20 mins before or less than 2 hrs after
7) get plenty of sleep, earlier rather than latter
8) get plenty of fresh air
9) trust God
10) contrast shower
11) drink plenty of water
12) eat whole foods, avoid processed foods and refined sugars
13) don't hold off on going to the bathroom; have regular bowel movements, ideally one per meal
14) exercise
15) fast once a week
16) eat more raw
17) juice
15) fast once a week
16) eat more raw
17) juice
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